Your keyfile will need to be unlocked the first time you use Port Explorer. Port Explorer will prompt you for an unlock code. This code is available from the Members Area at the Port Explorer website. Enter the exact code to unlock Port Explorer. If you enter the code correctly, Port Explorer will start, and you'll never have to enter your code again unless you uninstall and reinstall Port Explorer.
Unlocking is not related to Microsoft
Product Activation in any way and doesn't require any network
access as the unlocking is done locally, not online. Its main purpose is to
prevent casual copying of licensed software by unauthorised people. For example,
if a hacker gains access to your system (either physically or through a network)
and copies your Port Explorer files across to their system, they won't be able
to use Port Explorer without entering the code, which they won't have (even if
they have your keyfile), so your investment is protected as well as our
software. For this reason it is important that you never store your unlock code and
keyfile in the same location, and never store your unlock code in your
Port Explorer directory.